torsdag, februari 14, 2008

Bushfotboll i Tofo. "Vårt" lag vann trots att fienden hade både fotbollskor och benskydd! Go Desportivo!!

1 kommentar:

Anonym sa...

Stina! Finally I've found your pic! So great to see Mozambique again! Miguel and his house, Tofo, the yogahouse at Turtle Cove. How are you doing? Enjoying? I regret I'm not with you now. Was in Moscow last week though. Living among the new too rich people of the country, completely the opposite of Africa in every way. Didn't like it so much, but the installation is on so I better get used to it, I'll be back some more and longer times this year. Enjoy your stay in Mozambique, and greet my most beloved country in the world!
Kiss, Diana